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The Impact of Increased Literacy on Ballads and Chapbooks in Seventeenth-Century England In seventeenth-century England, the ascent of we...

Friday, October 18, 2019

Intellectual Skills in Males and Females Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Intellectual Skills in Males and Females - Essay Example Past and current research confirms that male and female intellectual skill differences are best explained and caused by socialization, not genetics. In fact, the intellectual and Behavioural differences between the genders are not instilled at birth but are the result of society's expectations (Bates, 2007). In spite of the behavioural differences between boys and girls in their childhood, the differences become starker as they grow older. The reason for this increase in intellectual difference is exaggerated intellectual bias by society and the gendered culture. It is also worth noting that children do not inherit intellectual differences; rather, they learn these differences from society, depending on what society, community or family expects children of each gender to do or to be. Consequently, male children are observed to develop spatial skills faster than girls do. This occurrence is not innate superiority by males but arises from expectations and encouragement by society (Niki ta et al., 2010). For instance, many communities encourage boys to be strong while girls are expected to be overtly emotional and talkative. Hence, girls acquire verbal skills because of emphasis by teachers and parents. Although neuroscientists concur that girls begin speaking at an earlier age than boys do, the gap is quite tiny at childhood, contrary to the notion adopted by supporters of gender-based intellectual differences, which exaggerates this intellectual skill difference across the sexes.

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